About me:

Hi there! :DI'm Brenden and welcome to my site!
I'm a 3D artist who primarily focuses on creating fan art for the game Fortnite and some OC (original character) related stuff like artwork, stories and perhaps even games in the future!
If you're curious about my work or have any questions, I've put together a small FAQ section that answers some of the most commonly asked questions I receive. Just press the button below to check it out! And if you're here to see my portfolio, you'll find a collection of all my art, showcasing pieces I'm particularly proud of.For those interested in original content, I invite you to delve into my OC lore. It's a growing collection of stories that give life to the characters I create. I hope you enjoy exploring their worlds as much as I enjoy building them.Thank you for visiting, and don't forget to follow me on my socials for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes looks at my creative projects. Your support means the world to me!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you got a Support a Creator code?
I do! My creator code is ItzBrenden

Do you do commissions?
Due to personal reasons, such as time restrains and me not wanting to dissapoint people with my work, I unfortunately don't do commissions of any kind. I do make some stuff for friends but this is usually because I myself choose to make this and not because they paid for it.

Can I repost your artwork?
No, I don't allow people to repost my stuff unless specific permission is granted or stated otherwise.

Can I make (NSFW) artwork of your characters?
For SFW art, of course! You generally don't have to even ask me so if you got something cool in mind go ahead! Only thing I ask is to keep the characters in mind for proper character representation.
When it comes to NSFW artwork however. I generally don't allow this unless you've gotten my personal permission to do so.
Please contact me first through Twitter/X, Instagram or Discord if you are considering it.

The OC Corner

Welcome to The OC corner!This is the place to be for any OC relating thing I've created so far.
You can read my stories, including "Fortnite: Genesis Unleashed" and a few other side stories I've created with some friends!
Or perhaps you are more interested in learning more about the characters I've made so far? Well, this is your one stop shop for all!

Fortnite: Chronicles of the Omni-Being

On this page you can find all parts of my OC story, Chronicles of the Omni-Being, and all other stories that feature my OC's such as Laura Lopez and many more! The Genesis Unleashed story consists out of 6 total parts. 4 Main story parts, a Prequel and a Sequel. This page will be updated whenever new parts become available.

All stories are split into several categories. That being the Main Story, Prequel & Sequel Stories and Side Stories. The Main and Prequel/Sequel stories are written by me, while Side stories are usually written in collaboration with other people. Said people will be properly credited, so be sure to check them out!

Interested in reading? Simply click/tab the logo of the part you want to read and you will be taken to the page containing the story you've selected. I highly recommend to read everything in order (Accident Zero --> Zero War --> Revengeance --> Reborn) for the best experience possible. The side stories can be read in any order you want. But again, for the best possible reading experience the correct order is: The Demise Incident --> Into Desire --> Stars of the Storm.
The Prequel Story happens BEFORE every other story, while the Sequel Story happens AFTER every other story.

To properly understand the full story, I recommend you watch this video.

Main Story

Prequel & Sequel

Side Stories

Accident: ZERO

Chapter 1: DiscoveryA mysterious girl named Laura gets transported to a new reality called “Reality Zero”, the home of The Zero Point. It has seeked her out specifically as she has been selected as the chosen one. The one who would put an end to all evil and protect the Zero Point from any wrong doings. Unfortunately for her, she ended up in a highly secure bunker owned by a secret organization. This organization did all kinds of messed up things with her as they used her as their special test subject. One day, she gets thrown into the Zero Point itself and this is where the Zero Point was able to grant Laura the power of the chosen one, allowing her to free herself when the opportunity presented itself. Luckily, Laura did not need to wait too long for that to happen as later that night a mysterious woman opened her prison door, setting her free.From there, Laura was left alone able to explore a whole new world by herself. This is where she noticed that she was stuck in a loop and despite many losing their memories after 22 minutes, she kept hers. And she took advantage of that. Laura was able to free herself from the loop pretty quickly thanks to her new found zero point powers but despite her freedom, she came back simply because she started to enjoy the experience the loop gave her..One day, a strange purple cube appeared, slowly making its way to a location called Loot Lake. While this happened, Laura grew close to the cube and even gave it the nickname, “Kevin”. Originally, this cube was meant to destroy the island itself but it also served a second purpose, finding people to exploit for a faction called The Last Reality.
Kevin the Cube dissolved into the waters of loot lake and came back a few days later. Weeks later, it exploded, leaving many fragments of itself behind. Laura witnessed all of this and decided to retrieve a piece of the Cube, using it as a part of her first self made weapon, a scythe called “The Darkstrike Scythe”. Little does Laura know that this was all planned out by The Last Reality in an attempt to corrupt her and add her to their rankings. The progress was slow, but it worked.
Later on, Laura encounters the mysterious woman again. This woman turns out to be someone called Demi, an ex-member of the mysterious organization. At first, Laura does not remember who Demi is. Because of that, they started fighting. Demi did not want to hurt Laura so she stayed as passive as possible, dodging many attacks. Unfortunately for Demi, she made one misstep, allowing Laura to cut her right arm off with her scythe. Falling to her knees, Demi said something which made Laura burst out of tears, finally realizing who Demi is. She felt an enormous amount of guilt which gave Demi the upperhand to end the fight peacefully. Laura finally accepted Demi as her mother.Some time passed and Demi was safely able to conclude that something was off with Laura. Her behavior did not match up with what it was some time ago and her health has heavily declined ever since The Final Showdown happened between a big mech and a monster from the Ocean. Demi went to a new ally/old foe called The Scientist to ask for further assistants and together they were able to conclude that Laura was corrupted by the Cube somehow. Luckily for them, The Scientist had a perfect solution to solve the issue! A special purifier bracelet designed to purify anyone who wears it but also enhancing their abilities. With this bracelet, Laura would not only be cured from her corruption but also be turned into the best version of herself as The Chosen One. Only issue is, they do not have the parts they need to make this. At this time, The Scientist also told Demi about their plans to reset the Zero Point. Not only would this heal the broken Zero Point, but it would also cure Laura most likely as her health seems to be connected to the Zero Point itself.
A group called The Seven reset the Zero Point. And because of this, Laura entered a deep coma she didn’t wake up from for a very long time.
Chapter 2: Hunting GroundsA few months to a year have passed and Laura finally woke up again, only to be right back into bad shape because of The Zero Point being back in a bad state. While Laura was knocked out, Demi worked as a special agent for a man called Midas. She took care of special missions for Midas in exchange for resources to hunt down the parts needed for the purifier bracelet. Demi was overjoyed about Laura’s awakening. The timing was perfect, now Laura and Demi could hunt for the parts needed together. Unfortunately for them, because of the current state of the Zero Point, the mysterious organization, also known as The Imagined Order have instructed their Elite Guard to hunt down anyone trying to mess with The Zero Point. The team consists of Sakuya the combat expert, Jade the Scientist, and their leader Orion the Hunter. They are a force to be reckoned with.
On a usual patrol, they spotted Laura and Demi. And so, the hunter has found its new prey. From that day forward, Laura and Demi were hunted by Orion and Sakuya, while Jade was working on different projects in the background.
In the short span of time where the Elite Guard hunted down the duo, Demi and Sakuya started to develop some kind of rivalry between each other. This rivalry however has always been present as Demi and Sakuya were sisters, always trying to one up each other. Orion however was more focused on something else, or rather, SOMEONE else. His focus was mainly on defeating Laura and getting her back to their base so they can continue with their plans. Luckily enough, with the help of Demi, Laura was able to remain free from Orion’s grasp. And together they were able to collect one out of two parts needed for the purifier bracelet, that being the metal for the frame.Some time passes and the island gets invaded by Aliens. These aliens are here with 1 goal in mind, taking the Zero Point for themselves. This meant that the Imagined Order, including the Elite Guard, was rather busy protecting the Zero Point instead of hunting down Laura and Demi. This meant that they were finally able to freely move again. These aliens were rather hostile against anyone they encountered. But oddly enough, they seem to never be aggressive towards Laura specifically.
Demi remembered the last part needed for the purifier bracelet, that being an energy containment unit. And with a mothership above the island itself, Demi thinks they could find the part inside it. So they made a plan to get the final part and finally free Laura from her corruption. Unknown to them though, the duo walked right into the Last Reality’s trap. Once Laura entered the mothership she got captured while Demi got thrown out, witnessing it explode, she saw a lot of new purple cubes falling down onto the island.
Chapter 2.5: Darkness RisesA week has passed and the Last Reality has invaded the island with a new weapon on their side, a dark version of Laura. Demi knows she has to put a stop to this, or at least get Laura back to safety, so she kept searching for the final part needed for the purifier bracelet until she found it. When Demi found the energy containment unit in some rubble from the mothership, she assembled the purifier bracelet and prepared to confront Laura. Once Demi and Laura got face to face they started fighting, just like they did two years ago. The fight at first seemed pretty one sided but Demi noticed one big flaw, Laura’s lack of emotion, it was a weakness ready to be exploited. In the end, the purifier bracelet was not needed as Demi was able to free Laura from her corruption by simply showing the one thing she truly desired. True love. This, however, was not the end of their fight as The Cube Queen herself came to deal with her failure.In the end, Laura and Demi were not able to defeat the Cube Queen nor the IO’s Elite Guard, but at least they were together now. And that is what mattered to them the most in that moment.